Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My First Doggy Blog!

This is my first blog.  I know I am a bit behind the times, but the prosthetic thumbs finally came in.  They make typing and kitty wrangling so much easier.   I would like to introduce myself to those who do not already know me.  I am a dog of many names but most just call me Bleu, and I am currently a resident of Hilton Head, Sc.  It has been a good place to chase some tails, but i am getting ready for a return to my home land, Colorado with my two parents.  I might occasionally write about them, because they are the ones driving the kibble train.  They are also going on the excursion so I might as well introduce them.  Torrey & Tony.  I traveled here with Mom, Torrey, after bumming around the ski towns of Bozeman and Big Sky, Mt. Mom started a Photography Studio there that eventually led us here to the Southland.  I had been staying at grandma's house in Breckenridge, Co before that chasing moose and raccoons.  Dad, Tony, came into the picture in Hilton Head.  I must say, I was not happy about sleeping on the couch at first, but I apparently snore.  He now works with mom taking pictures, as well as making fine furniture.  I get to go to work with both of them every day.  Love the air hose!  You might get to see a video of that later.  I am still trying to figure all of the buttons on this thing.  When i do, you will be the first to know.  I have a meeting with my graphic designer to discuss my business cards, so i must sign off.
Untill then,
Here's barking at you Kid,