I was way off with the water running thing. Dad was right about Uncle Clay, he's the COOOLEST. He paddled us down the Lower Taylor river on this floaty thing called a raft over rocks and rapids. Then he put me in charge of protecting the BEER. AWSOME! He is a single pup like me, so I am going to see if he wants to go into town later and chase some tails.
Like I said I need a nap before yappy hour with Uncle Clay,
This is Zoey. You're girlfriend back in SC. I sure do miss you walks to the doggy park, chases in the tennis court and your famous vodka cubes. Mommy doesn't make those for me anymore now that we live with two other dogs. She sometimes sneaks me drippings of her wine glass though.
Blue, tell your mom and Dad hi for me and that my Mom misses them. Have a good time out west..SC is hot! We love you!
You are one crazy dude (pup)! Sure wish you and Dad could have met up with me and the guys in Lake of Ozarks - maybe next year. Hopefully we will see you on your return trip to HH. Sydney says hi and looks forward to reading your tails when she returns from her girls trip at French Lick. Tell Mom and Dad Hi!
Geystone great to talk with you, don't ever loose contact again.
cell# 772-285-7879
Jason & Lisa Trigillo
218 SW Inwood Ave.
Port St. Lucie, FL 34984
We have a lot to catch up on and plenty of pix.
Please forward your email address and some pictures of you and your girlfriend.
Ciao for now
Tony G!!
Whats up Brother! I see Bleu is taking you on tour. I am in Washington state 5 hours from the ocean. Then i am going back through CO to Boulder. I am a little pressed for time but I'll make it. I built a raft and floated from Orofino Idaho to Lewiston just like Lewis and Clark. Took me three days and had to deal with crazy indians, explosions, fires and sandstorms but i made it. (almost, had some help from the fire dept in Lewiston) Talk at you soon. I'll give you a call when i get close to CO.
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